Google spam policy

What Is Google Spam Policy 2024?

Google spam policy

Google Spam Policy

Are you a blogger or a site owner and doing a lot of work on your site but there is no ranking on Google? If yes then you should read this post. Maybe your site is affected by the Google Spam Policy. Almost every new blogger makes the same mistakes lake of information. In this article, we will tell you what are these Google Spam Policies that you should never apply on your site.

Otherwise, your blog or site never rank on search engines like Google or Bing. And if your site is affected by Google Spam Policy then it is very difficult to overcome this. So, read this article carefully till the end.

11 Google Spam Policies 2024

Here, we give some common spam policies that affect your site. Please check them.


This is one of the major techniques that spammers do before some time to rank their sites. It is a part of Black Hat SEO in which there are two different pages of a site, one is for users and the second is for bots. This is just like misleading the user because the users come to your site but there is no related content that the user wants to see.


It is also a technique of black hat SEO in which the site is ranked for long tail keywords. According to Google doorway pages come under web spam because they have no search volume, and they send the visitors to the different pages.

Hacked Content

If your site is not ranking after working on that then check once whether your site is hacked or not. Because if your site is hacked then there is no chance to rank your site. So, install proper SSL certificates on your site and enable it.

Hidden Text And Link

Sometimes, you have seen that when you visit any site and you click on the site in any area then it will redirect to another site. It is known as the hidden text and link because this link is not visible to the users. In most cases, it will redirect you to the adult content site. So, make sure you don’t use this technique to rank your site otherwise your site will come under the Google Spam Policy.

Keyword Stuffing

This is a common mistake that new bloggers or SEO people make. They insert the keyword forcefully in the content more than necessary. Google bots understand this and that’s why it will send your content under Google Spam Policy because you put your keyword forceful whether there is no need naturally. So, make sure that don’t do keyword stuffing because today technology is very high and it easily catches these manipulations.

Link Spam

Google’s next spam policy is link spamming. We know that backlinks are very necessary for a website but when you create backlinks in bulk then it comes under link spamming. Because you make it manually, they are not natural.

Machine Generated Traffic

If your traffic is generated by the machine then it is also come under the Google Spam Policy. If you use machine-generated traffic it means your site will never rank on Google. So, try to make natural backlinks for your site.

Misleading Functionality

Most of the SEO executives do this functionality when they create a well-structured SERP but when the user clicks on that it will be redirected to an unrelated page. This is known as misleading functionality. Let’s understand this with an example, suppose you are searching for the best genealogy software and you got a link with the title “best genealogy programs list” but when you click on that link it will redirect to any page that is unrelated to this query.

The result is your site bounce rate will increase that not good for any site or content. Such type of content never ranked on search engines. So, make sure, to write such content that is related to the user queries. If you don’t know how to write content, then you must know how to write SEO-optimized content.

Scraped Content

You have seen that people copy other site content make some changes and post them on their sites. They think that it will work, and their site will rank because they copy other sites’ content which is already ranked on Google. Sometimes it works but now it is not right. Because today’s technology is very high, they easily find out the copy content so don’t try it on your site.

Recently, Google released a form also to complain about such types of websites that are using copied content. You just need to fill out the form and submit it. Google developer team will check that site or page and de-ranked that page on Google SERP.

Sneaky Redirect

As the name suggests, it will redirect the user to a different site which may be a malicious or affiliate page. Such type of redirects is not malicious all the time but it is not good for a site. Try to use less redirection to your site.

Automatically Generated Content

If you are using automation or AI to generate content for your site, then stop it right now. Because when you use automatically content generation on your site then there are automatically generated a lot of content on your site which is not fully optimized. So, it is hard to rank your site. This technique works sometimes but for specific sites like news sites because they need to publish new content from time to time. But overall don’t use automation to create content on your site.


These are some Google Spam Policies that you keep in mind and don’t try to use this. If you want to learn more about Digital Marketing, SEO, and online earning then this blog is helpful to you. To get more informative articles please follow us.

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