how to find easy to rank keyword for site

5 Best Hacks To Find Easy To Rank Keywords For Your Site

how to find easy to rank keyword for site

How To Find Easy To Rank Keywords For Your Site?

Keywords are the main pillar of a site which helps any content to rank in search engines like Google and Bing. If you are in digital marketing field, then you should know about how to find the best keyword for your site or post. In this article, we will explain to you 5 advanced keyword research hacks on how to find easy to rank keywords for your site.

Hello friends, my name is Akhlesh Chandra Thaledi and I have 4+years’ experience in Digital Marketing. Currently I am working as Assistant Team Leader. My aim is sharing the information to my users so that they can easily learn and start earning.

Keyword selection is very important because if you choose the wrong keyword for your post then it will never be ranked on a search engine. So, it is very important that you should know how to select the best keyword for your site.

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People spend a lot of time and money in many keyword research tools to select the keyword but sometimes they are unable to find the right one. That’s why we bring a completely free guide for you so that you can easily find the right keyword for your site or blog.

So, without wasting any time let get into the article.

5 Keyword Research Hacks

Please check the best hacks on how to find easy to rank keywords for your site.

Hack #1: Check Which Keyword Is Best?

In the first hack we need to check which type of keyword we should choose. Here, we need to check some points about the keyword like keyword type, LSI keywords, and keyword intent.

When it comes to keyword type it means that select your seed/focus keyword then you should check the long tail keyword. After this, you should go for the short tail keyword. Because as we know that long tail keywords are easy to rank and selecting this we can target one page for more than one keyword. If you don’t know what is the difference between long tail keyword and short tail keyword then you must check about this.

Once you select your long tail focus keyword then it’s time to choose its LSI keywords. LSI refers to Latent Semantic indexing and it is also helpful to rank any post or site.

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Afte this, you need to check the keyword intent. If you don’t know what that is then you should know there are four types of keyword intent. And it totally depends on which type of site it is.

Keyword Intent

Please check the keyword intent.

  1. Informational
  2. Navigational
  3. Commercial
  4. Transactional

Every intent type is used for different purpose like if your site is educational type, then you should choose the informational keyword.

Navigational is used for sending user to any specific site or page to get information.

In the Commercial, it suggests the best option for you like best phone under 15000 Rs. And at last, in Transactional you have any store or site where you sell the product the you should choose navigational keywords.

Hack #2: Use QPM Method

The second hack for how to find easy to rank keywords for your site is use QPM method. QPM refers to Quora, Pinterest, and Medium. If the topic on that you want to write is already present in Quora, Pinterest, and Medium and rank in Google SERP it means you can easily rank on that topic.

Hack #3: Keyword Gap Analysis

You can also search keywords using Keyword Gap Analysis. For this you can use SEMRUSH keyword research tool. Enter your site and your competitor’s site and check the missing keywords on that you don’t write any topic. Select all the keywords and write on them.

Hack #4: The KGR Rule

Our next hack is the KGR rule. KGR refers to Keyword Golden Rule and it is apply for those keywords who’s search volume is less than 250 per month.

You can easily calculate it by the given formula.

KGR = all in title result/search volume

For example, if you search a keyword “xyz” and the volume of this keyword is 150 and the total number of showing result is 200 the according to the formula the KGR is 1.34.

According to the rule if KGR is < 0.25 then it is good to use. If the KGR is equal to 0.25, it means it can be rank but if the KGR is > 0.25, it means it is bad to use.

Hack #5: Competitors Analysis

The last hack is analysis your competitors. It is very easy task because it is the same niche that you are use so it is easy to find the related keywords for your site.

To analysis your competitors site you can use SEMRUSH tool. Apart from this, you can also use it for free but limited access. To use all users you need to purchase it.


In conclusion, now you have a good knowledge about how to find easy to rank keyword easily. I hope you like this post, to get more interesting topics like this, please follow us.

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