Best Blogging Platform: WordPress vs Blogger

Difference Between WordPress And Blogger

Best Blogging Platform: WordPress vs Blogger

Blogging is the easiest way to make money and share your thoughts with other people. Nowadays, a lot of people doing blogging and earn money from their home. In this post, we will tell you best blogging platform 2024 so that you can easily choose the best platform to you for blogging.

So, are you ready to know about the best blogging platform? If yes then read this post till the end.

Best Blogging Platform 2024

There are two main and popular platform for blogging that is blogger and WordPress. But most of the people confused which is the best platform for them.

That’s why today we bring this topic for you so that you can easily get a clear understanding which platform you choose for blogging.

Blogger Vs WordPress: Which Is Best?

Here, we will tell you the pros and cons of Blogger and WordPress so that you can choose the best platform for blogging. So, let’s start with blogger.


Blogger is one of the best free platforms for blogging. It is powered by Google. It is free to use, means you can use it for free of cost. In blogger, you can get a free domain name with but you can use a custom domain name with blogger. Blogger is best blogging platform for beginners.

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Here, we give some pros and cons of blogger, please check.

Pros of

  1. Free to Use: Blogger is owned by Google and it is free to use. It is one of the best platforms for those who want to start blogging for free.
  2. Easy to Set Up and Use: has a user-friendly interface. It has a simple setup process that make it ideal for beginners. To setup a blogger you don’t need to have a technical background. You can easily set up a blogger platform using your Gmail account.
  3. Google Integration: Being a Google product, seamlessly integrates with other Google services like Gmail, Google Analytics, and Google AdSense. These features are beneficial for bloggers.
  4. Mobile Apps: offers mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices, allowing bloggers to write, publish, and manage their blogs easily. Apart from this, blogger has in-build AMP version, you don’t need to do any additional setting for this.
  5. Customization Options: It offers a decent range of customization options, including templates, layout adjustments, and the ability to add widgets and gadgets. Apart from this, you can also use a custom theme on your easily.If you want to know how to customize your blogger using custom theme then let us know and we will write another article on that.
  6. Community Support: Blogger has very good community support just because of its large and active community of users. This making it easier to find solutions to common issues and learn from experienced bloggers.

These are some pros of

Cons of

Blogger has pros as well as cons also that you need to check.

  1. Limited Flexibility and Control: is a hosted platform by Google, which means you have limited control over the platform’s core functionality and features. Customization options are also relatively limited compared to self-hosted platforms like WordPress. Apart from this, if you posted violence related content over your blogger then it can be terminated by the Google. Because in reality you are not the real owner of your blogger.
  2. Branding Limitations: blogs have a subdomain structure ( This can be less professional and memorable than a custom domain name.
  3. Monetization Restrictions: Next cons of blogger is its monetization restrictions. While allows monetization through Google AdSense but it has stricter policies and limitations compared to self-hosted platforms. When it comes to other monetization methods, such as affiliate marketing or sponsored content then there are less restrictions.
  4. Limited SEO Options: provides basic SEO features. You can’t use plugins that you can use in WordPress. Apart from this, you will get less heading options than WordPress.
  5. Potential for Platform Changes: As a free service owned by Google, is subject to potential changes, updates, or even discontinuation at Google’s discretion. This could affect your blog’s stability and longevity.
  6. Limited Plugin and Extension Support: Unlike self-hosted platforms like WordPress, has limited support for third-party plugins and extensions. Blogger does not support any plugin system that make it weak than WordPress.

While is a convenient and beginner-friendly platform, its limitations in terms of flexibility, customization, and control may make it less suitable for bloggers.


WordPress is also known as the undisputed king of blogging platforms. You can guess this from the fact that 43% of all websites over the internet are build on WordPress.

WordPress is the best blogging platform to make money in India that you can use in 2024.

Its versatility, user-friendliness, and vast ecosystem of themes and plugins have made it a favorite among bloggers, businesses, and even large-scale enterprises.

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However, like any platform, WordPress has its strengths and weaknesses. Here, we give the pros and cons of using WordPress for blogging. Please check.

Pros of WordPress

  1. Open-Source and Free: WordPress is an open-source platform, which means it’s free to use, modify, and distribute. This makes it an incredibly cost-effective solution for bloggers and website owners, especially those on a tight budget.
  2. Customizable and Flexible: WordPress is very easy to customize and flexible. In WordPress, you will get a lot of themes and plugins available. You can easily customized this with many different themes.
  3. SEO-Friendly: Its clean code structure, built-in SEO features, and vast collection of SEO plugins make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: WordPress has a user-friendly interface that makes content creation and management very easy. Even this is for best option whose has limited technical knowledge.
  5. Scalable and Robust: WordPress is a robust and scalable platform. It is capable of handling high-traffic websites and blogs.
  6. Community Support: WordPress has a massive and active community of developers, designers, and users. This community provides a wealth of resources, tutorials, and support, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and find solutions.

Cons of WordPress

Here we give some cons of WordPress, please check.

  1. Security Concerns: While WordPress is generally secure but its popularity also makes it a prime target for hackers. Many hackers continuously try to hack your site or blog. So, keeping your WordPress installation up-to-date and taking proper security measures is crucial to prevent vulnerabilities.
  2. Steep Learning Curve: Although WordPress is user-friendly, mastering its more advanced features and customization options can have a steep learning curve, especially for beginners with limited technical knowledge.
  3. Hosting Requirements: Although, WordPress is a very popular and best blogging platform but it need hosting to host. For this, you need to choose best hosting plan. Shared hosting plans may not provide the necessary resources for high-traffic or resource-intensive WordPress sites. Get the best hosting plan.
  4. Plugin Compatibility Issues: The things that make it popular is its plugin option but there is a issues with plugin. Some plugin has compatibility issues with some WordPress versions. While the vast plugin ecosystem is a strength of WordPress, conflicts can arise between plugins.
  5. Maintenance and Updates: WordPress and its plugins require regular updates to ensure security and compatibility. If you don’t update your site plugins then you can face functionality issues.
  6. Limited Free Themes and Plugins: If you are searching free themes and plugins then WordPress is not a good option to you because in WordPress you will get some free theme.

Despite its cons, WordPress remains a powerful and flexible blogging platform that caters to a wide range of users.


So, in conclusion, in this article you have learned the difference between Blogger and WordPress. Apart from this how to choose best blogging platform easily.

I hope now you have a clear understanding about which is the best blogging platform to you.

Blogger and WordPress both are most popular blogging platform 2024 in India. To check more interesting topics like this, subscribe us and get best article notifications.

You can also join us on telegram or direct message us on WhatsApp. At last, we just want to say if you really want to earn money through blogging then you must go for WordPress. It also helps you to make a successful career in blogging world.

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