Google updates

Facts That You Must Know About Google Updates

Google updates

What Are Google Updates?

Google released many updates from time to time. When Google released new search algorithms and ranking systems such algorithms are known as Google Updates. The aim of these Google Updates is improving the quality of search results.

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Essentially, they are Google’s way of ensuring users get the best and most relevant results when they a search query. In this article, we will discuss about the important Google updates which are very useful in SEO.

Types of Google Updates

There are various types of updates, but some of the most notable ones include:

Core Updates

These are major changes made to Google’s overall search algorithm. They can affect the rankings of many sites. If your site drops in rank, it might just be that Google changed how it assesses quality.

Panda Updates

Panda update was released in 2011 and the target of these updates is low-quality content, aiming to promote sites with high-quality material. If a site has thin or duplicate content, then Google de-rank such sites.

Penguin Updates

Penguin update released in year 2012 and this update is centred around backlinks. This update targets such sites who have spammy or un natural backlinks. Spammy backlinks like blog commenting, links on no index site, and public network domain.

Hummingbird Updates

This update was released on 2013. Hummingbird updates designed to better understand search queries, these updates focus on keywords stuffing. If you don’t know what is Keyword stuffing then when people use keywords in unnatural way then more than density then it is known as keyword stuffing. In the year 2013 to 2015 people use keyword stuffing to rank their sites.

Page Experience Update

This update released in year 2021. In this update, Google focus on user queries. Google always want that their users get the right and accurate result according their queries that’s why this update released. Page experience update focus on technical SEO like check page loading speed.

Google Broad Core Update/March Update 2024

Last but not least, Google Broad Core Update was released on year 2024. It is one of the latest updates of Google. It was released on March 2024 that’s why it is also known as March Update 2024.

This core update2024 is a bundle of updates that we will tell you here, have a look.

  1. Broad core update: According to this update, less content ranked but it should be helpful, no matter you focus on keyword density. Apart from this, after this update, Google de-ranked such sites who are using AI content or duplicate content.
  2. Helpful content update: According to the Google, now it is co-ranking system. And now if any page of your site performing poor then it impacts on other pages of the site. So, make sure to check the poor-quality content of your site and improve it.
  3. Spam update 2024: In march spam update, there are some points that you should know. Have a look of this spam update.
    • Scaled content abuse: If any site use AI content, then it will be de-index or de-ranked.
    • Site reputation abuse: If any reputed site use such content which is not related to that site main category then such site will impact with site reputation abuse.
    • Expired domain abuse: Many people purchase expired domain for gaining backlinks. But if any person use expired domain for the same niche then it does not comes under expired domain abuse.

How Google Updates Impact Your Site?

The impact of Google Updates on a website can vary greatly, depending on how well the site adheres to Google’s guidelines. Here’s a closer look at some potential effects:

Improving Rankings

If your site is optimized correctly and provides valuable, relevant content, Google Updates can actually boost your rankings. For example, after a core update, a friend of mine saw their blog about home gardening shoot up in the rankings because they focused on providing in-depth, well-researched articles. This just goes to show that producing quality content pays off!

Losing Visibility

On the flip side, if your site runs into issues like low-quality content or risky backlink practices, a Google Update could hurt your site’s ranking. If any site relied heavily on paid links. After a Penguin Update, they lost visibility overnight and had to scramble to adjust their strategy.


In the field of digital marketing, knowing about the Google Updates is essential for anyone what want to maintain a strong online presence. Remember, Google is always cleaning house, so stay proactive and keep that content shining!

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If you need any help or want to do digital marketing for your site or business then contact us. We provide the best offers regarding digital marketing services like SEO, content writing, web designing, web development and so on.

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