digital marketing myths

Know All About Digital Marketing Myths

Myths of Digital Marketing

Hello there are you thinking about to make a career in digital marketing field? If yes then STOP and first read this post before you start your digital marketing journey. There are many myths about digital marketing that you should know about. In this post, we will tell you 7 Digital Marketing myths that open your eyes and give you the right information about digital marketing so that you can make the right decision.

You have been listening from the people that it is a booming field and you got a lot of salary and other many things. But the reality is different.

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So, read this post till the end and know the reality of Digital Marketing.

7 Digital Marketing Myths That You Know About In 2024

Here, we give seven points about the tells the reality of Digital marketing field. And you should know about these points if you want to make your career in this field.

Saturated Field

This is one of the most popular digital marketing myths that people know. According to them, this field is very saturated in different ways. This is right but not completely because this field is saturated in basic level but when you grow with time then it is completely different.


Salary is the most common and important thing that people want to know about. According to some people in this field you will get a high paid salary job after completing your digital marketing course but in reality, there is no high salary in this field in the beginning. But yes, with the time as you get experience, your salary increases.


In digital marketing field, you will easily find fake gurus (teachers). So, please make distance from those fake people who told you that he tells you everything about SEO or PPC and ask you for money.

Courses (online and offline)

Another digital marketing myth is about courses. Yes, nowadays there are a lot of institutes that offers online or offline courses. But before taking the admission on such types of institutes who has not proper courses online or offline, please check the reviews of the institute.

Is Job Really Available or Not

A lot of institute claims that after completing the basic 3 months course you will get a high pay scale job. But…, it is not true. Because there is no job in real after completing the basic course in beginning. But with the time when you get experience you will get the high pay scale according to your ability.

Is Digital Marketing Is Good For Business?

This question is reasonable because as we know that it is also a type of marketing. The difference is only that in digital marketing we use digital way to promote the business.

So, it means it only increase the opportunities of reach to the customers. If you have a bad product then no marketing skills will increase its sells. So, if anyone says that digital marketing is good for business then the answer is yes but only for good products business.

YouTube Courses

Last but not the least myth about Digital marketing is that really there is any YouTube Courses available online. So, we can say that yes there are some good teachers or YouTubers who have good knowledge about Digital Marketing and they tell good information. But on the other hands, there are also some fake YouTubers who only promote their business in fake way.


In conclusion, in this post, you have learned some digital marketing myths who are presents in the market. So, be aware about such myths and scams and do proper course from any reputed institute for making your career in this field.

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